Educating Young Minds

Educating Young Minds

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Are there benefits to an inclusive classroom?

Having an inclusive classroom can be beneficial to children with special needs and those without. Inclusive classrooms are not just for childrenw ith special needs, this is the most common misunderstanding about inclusive classrooms. Some people say that inclusive classrooms do not help any child unless they are diagnosed with a disibility.

This website describes the many benefits to have an inclusive classroom. The website touches upon five different elements  that are beneficial to having an inclusive classroom. These include social justice, safe environments, communication, literacy, technology and collaboration. These five elements are explained in detail on the website listed above.

An inclusive classroom in my opinion includes all children regardless of any identity pertaining to them (race, gender, disability, etc). Having an inclusive classroom makes children who may feel 'different' because they are not part of the norm. If a child has an experience in school where they feel that they are unexpcepted because of who they are they are less likely to succeed in that envrionment. When you include every child in your room and connect with them on a personal level it makes them feel important. This topic is something that most teachers forget to include in their curriculum. Some teachers believe that Black History Month is enough to make African American students feel accepted, but in reality thats false. These students shouls experience history and literature that relates to where their ancestors are from. Inclusive classrooms are way more than race but examples like above paint a perfect picture of the topic.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Is multicultural education important?

Mulicultural education is something everyone should be aware of. "It places students at the centre of all school practices that promote multiple perspectives and an appreciation of cultural, linguistic and religious diversity within a democratic society." This quote fromt the website above it the main purpose of having a multicultural classroom. The website belongs to a school. They incorporate education into the classroom. This website explains how each students' heritage should be used in their benefit.

Multicultural education is a huge part of any classroom. In order for reach student to reach their full potential you have to make them feel included. This should be the center of your curriculum and the most important thing to include. It is the most important aspect of a quality education is one you can connect to personally. Each child should feel equally as important as any other and should feel excited when discussing what traditions they may have. Children should not have to feel left out in any situation or feel as if they are being mistreated because of their heritage.

I want to implement as many different cultures and traditions as possible in my classroom. I think including different holidays and traditions in the classroom is important. It is not only a great learning experience but it helps demonstrate that you as a teacher want to understand where your students are coming from in life. Multicultural education si a topic every teachers should research.
This picture is perfect for multicultural education since most believe it only relates to skin color! This pictures shows that even children with disabilities are mistreated. The picture shows children tall, small, round, thin and handicapped all coming together.